
Blackadder Goes Forth

Blackadder Goes Forth

Written by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton we find the recurring characters of Blackadder, Baldrick and George placed in a trench during World War 1.  

We follow their various doomed attempts to escape from the trenches to avoid death under the misguided command of General Melchett.


The last Blackadder in the TV series and Winner of the British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Series in 1989.

Blackadder Goes Forth is the Bancroft Player’s second visit into the life of Blackadder as we put on a very successful production of Blackadder The Tudor Years in 2019.

Book Tickets

Monday 9 Jun 202519:45 Book Now
Tuesday 10 Jun 202519:45 Book Now
Wednesday 11 Jun 202519:45 Book Now
Thursday 12 Jun 202519:45 Book Now
Friday 13 Jun 202519:45 Book Now
Saturday 14 Jun 202514:30 Book Now
Saturday 14 Jun 202519:45 Book Now